President/Founder of Wink Intel and Moore Market Intelligence
Sheryl J. Moore, Chief Storyteller is the ORIGINAL member of Wink’s analysis team and has been at this for a long time. She’s obsessive-compulsive to a fault and never happy if she’s not twirling 20 plates at once. Want to know MORE about Ms. Moore?
- She is the founder, creator, & CEO of Wink, Inc. and Moore Market Intelligence
- She is also President & CEO of her consulting company, Moore Market Intelligence, which provides: Competitive intelligence, Market research, Product development, Insight on the annuity and life insurance markets
- She is President & CEO of a real estate investment firm, Moore Quality Investments
- She co-authored The Encyclopedia to Indexed Products: Annuity and Life
- She has published 500+ articles on indexed life and/or indexed annuity products in the following industry trade journals, newspapers, and magazines: Advisor Magazine, Allstate Financial’s The Edge, Annuity News, Bloomberg News, Financial Advisor, Forbes, Huffington Post, Investment News, The New York Times, ThinkAdvisor, Senior Market Advisor, ThinkAdvisor, Wall Street Journal
- Regularly assists the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
- Serves as a resource on insurance distribution, marketing, product development, and training
- Actively participates in the rule-making process for life insurance and annuity products